Night Visions: Dreams & Self Expression

I have to write about this. How can I not post something about my first art show?! I could not have imagined this, so unexpected, so really fun. That I could be so in the joy of it and not under attack is a testament to the work I am doing and the support I feel from the folks at North of Eden, especially Sue Scavo who has encouraged me from the beginning to see the truth of who I am, as shown by the dream, not who I thought I was.

I worked on several paintings today. I am trying some new “techniques”. Since I have no training and no outside direction, it is just about me in my work. I get to play. I seem to have no story about what I think I should be doing, what other’s expect or how they might view what I do, or whether it’s good or bad. It is for me and I had so much fun. This is such a new and fragile place for me. I am happy to be here in this moment, today. Perhaps on another day I will have to do battle with the ear whisperers who would like nothing better than to have me put a leash on it, but not today.

OK, back to the art show: Night Visions: Dreams and Self Expression at the Walkover Gallery in Bristol Vermont, running through March 30th. The opening was last weekend and included myself and four other artists working from the dreams. There were also poetry readings by Karla Van Vliet and Sue Scavo and musical performances by a number of folks working their edge of creativity and vulnerability with music. Over 80 people attended including my family and lots of my friends. It was exciting and scary.

My dreamwork homework going into the event was to be in the underwater tunnel tethered to the man on the other side. Let the girl out of my mouth and breath in the water. Feel my fear and discomfort and feel the sensuality of the water. Notice when I leave Him behind by going off into my independence.

To let the girl out opens sensuality for me and the sensuality in connection with the girl scares me. I have kept my girl so hidden. I have suffocated her. But I felt what must be the joy of the girl in me at being able to share my paintings and just be excited about what they are for me. They are a gift of the dreamwork. I have shared them all here since I began writing on this blog and I hope to be able to continue to bring the work into the world in this way.

Thank you to all who help make the event such a success.

Love, Laura


  1. What a wonderful and satisfying experience this must be; a perfect example of where the dreamwork can take a person! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Wow! I am excited for you. How awesome to allow "self expression." The words - self expression - sound great to me. Recently, I was asked what my greatest desire was and the word "expression" was the first thing that came to mind. I think we all have a desire to express ourselves. There is joy in doing so without holding back. Thank you for sharing this.


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