These poems are inspired by the dreams and were written as part of a dream writer's group that I belong to.
To bring this form of creative expression up from the depths of me is exciting and deeply moving. What we cannot convey or teach about this journey through rational discourse can be brought into the body through the creative act of expression in the form of images and words. I have found the poem to be a way to "paint" with words. Words drawn taut to illuminate, to intensify, to lift one up and crash one down into the contrast of light and dark, a chiaroscuro of vibrant images to bring one back to one's essence, to bring pause, to elicit tears and anger, grief and joy, laughter and brightness, angst and inspiration.
For to find myself at five and one standing before a door long closed and now thrown open, is a gift, sacred, not to be questioned or judged, not to be analyzed or chased.
The dream offers me an unwavering entry point into the creative depths of my soul.